by Dunston Lodge | Feb 18, 2020 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Kennels Chesterfield, Dog News, Dog Tips
Ever wondered what your dog is thinking? Of course you have! Whilst humans and dogs seem to have a great relationship and good communication, there’s a language barrier that always stops us knowing exactly what each other are thinking. And so we all worry, from...
by Dunston Lodge | Jan 17, 2020 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Kennels Chesterfield, Dog Tips, Puppies
With all the fantastic dog magazines and local training experts around, people are becoming more aware of the facts surrounding dog training. However, there are still a few myths that people think are true that really aren’t. Here’s 6 of the most common...
by Dunston Lodge | Mar 15, 2019 | Dog behaviour, Dog News, Dog Research, Dog Studies
Dr Juliane Bräuer from the Institute of Human History says that the domestic dog is a good model for researching the evolution of cognition in human beings and thus is undertaking a research project utilising the behaviour of dogs in understanding human behaviour. ...
by Dunston Lodge | Jun 20, 2018 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Research, Dog Studies
A recent study by researchers at the University of Salford has found compelling evidence that dogs use gestures in order to communicate with their humans. And, as you’d guess, the most observed gestures were noted to be the dogs asking for food or drink, asking...
by Dunston Lodge | Jun 15, 2018 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Kennels Chesterfield, Dog News, Dog Research, Dog Studies
According to a recent study, dogs actually use various forms of “communication” that are solely for our benefit. The study, published in the journal, Scientific Reports, involved 24 dogs. Researchers used video cameras to record the facial movement of the...