by Dunston Lodge | Oct 17, 2018 | Dog Facts, Dog Kennels Chesterfield, Dog News, Dog Research, Dog Studies, Top Dogs
The BBC has put together this brilliant Dog Map for the UK from 10 years of data from microchipped dogs. The study was compiled using data from Petlog and Animalcare and included 5 million dogs (about 60% of all dogs in the country). The BBC has produced an...
by Dunston Lodge | Oct 1, 2018 | Dog Facts, Dog Kennels Chesterfield, Dog Tips
As we said in our article a few weeks ago, Autumn is one time of year when you could find your dog (and home) at risk of flea infestation. The heating gets turned up and they snuggle in to breeding season in your carpets or wooden floors, spending very little time on...
by Dunston Lodge | Sep 24, 2018 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Kennels Chesterfield, Dog Research, Dog Studies, Dog Tips, Health and Wellbeing
Not all dogs are afraid of loud noises such as storms and fireworks, but some are, and for those pets, and owners, this time of year can be very unpleasant. It’s difficult to know sometimes whether or not your dog is anxious, but here are some of the signs you...
by Dunston Lodge | Sep 5, 2018 | Dog Facts, Dog Tips, Health and Wellbeing
Well, Summer is gone and what looks set to be a warm autumn has arrived. But, with the change in season comes a change in foliage, routines and seasonal items that you may want to be wary of around your dog. Here’s our list of some of those things: 1. Conkers We...
by Dunston Lodge | Aug 22, 2018 | Dog Facts, Dog Studies, Top Dogs
Obviously we love dogs. Who wouldn’t? Those cute little bundles of fluff who welcome us home in the evening, nuzzle on the sofa and even, dare we say it, sleep on our beds. But why do people in the UK love dogs so much? A recent survey revealed the top 10...
by Dunston Lodge | Aug 9, 2018 | Dog Facts, Dog News, Dog Tips
So you’ve decided to get a new dog. If you’re adopting from an animal shelter or rehoming a dog to its forever home, then chances are they’ve already got a name and you’ll stick with that. But what about that new little bundle of fluff, the...
by Dunston Lodge | Jul 20, 2018 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Tips, Health and Wellbeing
1. Add Ice Cubes to Their Water Bowl Obviously, we always ensure that our dogs have access to fresh water, but, when it’s really hot then the water needs changing more often than usual. Additionally, adding a few ice cubes to their water helps keep it cooler...
by Dunston Lodge | Jul 4, 2018 | Funny Dogs, Top Dogs
As you may or may not know, Reddit has something for everyone; from “lol cats” to “dog photos” and even just your general “funnies”. So, here at Dunston Lodge dog boarding kennels in Chesterfield, we thought we’d have a good...
by Dunston Lodge | Jun 20, 2018 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Research, Dog Studies
A recent study by researchers at the University of Salford has found compelling evidence that dogs use gestures in order to communicate with their humans. And, as you’d guess, the most observed gestures were noted to be the dogs asking for food or drink, asking...
by Dunston Lodge | Jun 15, 2018 | Dog behaviour, Dog Facts, Dog Kennels Chesterfield, Dog News, Dog Research, Dog Studies
According to a recent study, dogs actually use various forms of “communication” that are solely for our benefit. The study, published in the journal, Scientific Reports, involved 24 dogs. Researchers used video cameras to record the facial movement of the...